
Whitney business front

This is a business card I made for a non profit service for teaching younger kids. I made the title “Nurturing Education by Whitney Stokes”. Her name was began with W and her last began with S. So I made Nurturing Education for N and E to make North, East, West, and South. I also made the card a double meaning. Where it says ” I have :experience in:” It shows what she knows. Then the compass point says “Pointing you in the right direction” and because it is pointing to the ” :Experience in:”. This reads ” Pointing you in the right direction in experience” Showing that she will teach what she is good at to make them as good as her. Then the X’s are the treasure of knowledge. On the back is blue waves but they are flat on the opposite side. So when you flip the card over you can use it for notes and getting someones contact information.

back business card

This is the back of the business card.

This is a quick gif animation I did for a project.

This was a design a friend did and i redid it in Illustrator.

This was one of the PowerPoint slides for my business groups PowerPoint. I design the layout.

I did this for my accounting class PowerPoint in Illustrator.

I did this for my accounting class PowerPoint in Illustrator

I did this for a PowerPoint. I made it in Illustrator.

I did this for a PowerPoint. I made it in Illustrator. The image bleeds off the page because the PowerPoint slide will cut it off.

I made this in school taking the class. I used Illustrator. Knowing more now that the colors don’t match and the picture is all wrong. It was made as a band cover.

I used Illustrator out of letters and the pen tool.

I made this for a music talk show host. He does the Kpop power hour. He’s awesome. His channel is